Add Bark to your email contact list

Bark Team
Bark Team
  • Updated

We regularly email you about exciting product releases, new customer leads and amazing promotional offers. We don’t want you to miss out on anything, so we want to make sure our emails are going to the right place. 

To keep some of our emails from heading to your Spam folder, add our email address (or any of our others) to your email contacts. For a more reliable fix, you can add our email address to your contact safelist so your email provider knows to send our emails to your inbox.

Login to your email account, select settings and then click either filter or spam settings. From here you should be able to save the domain using either rules, or by adding it to your whitelist.

Click on the tabs to the left, to find instructions on how to do this with some of the most popular domains out there…


Below are the straightforward steps to create a filter rule. Simply follow these instructions:

  • Sign into your Gmail account.
  • Select the down arrow in the search bar at the top of the page.
  • In the From field, enter the email
  • Click ”Create Filter”.
  • Select “Never send to Spam”.
  • Then select ”Create Filter” again.

To ensure you receive our emails, please move any messages from us that are currently in your Spam folder to your inbox by clicking on the "Not Spam" option. You can select multiple emails and use this function to move them all at once.


Below are the straightforward steps to create a filter rule. Simply follow these instructions:

  • Sign into your Gmail account.
  • Select the down arrow in the search bar at the top of the page.
  • In the “From” field, enter the email
  • Click ”Create Filter”.
  • Select ”Never send to Spam”.
  • Then select ”Create Filter” again.

To ensure you receive our emails, please move any messages from us that are currently in your Spam folder to your inbox by clicking on the "Not Spam" option. You can select multiple emails and use this function to move them all at once.


Below are the straightforward steps to create a filter rule. Simply follow these instructions:

  • Sign in to your Hotmail, MSN or Outlook account.
  • Select the cog icon (⚙) in the top right corner.
  • Click ‘view all Outlook settings’ then ‘Rules’.
  • Here, you can add a new rule. You will first need to name your rule; anything will work, even Bark Emails.
  • Next, add the condition, From:
  • Then add the action, Move to: Inbox in the correct fields.
  • Click Save.


Below are the straightforward steps to create a filter rule. Simply follow these instructions:

  • Sign into your iCloud account and select Mail.
  • Click the cog (⚙) in the sidebar and select rules.
  • Click Add a Rule and select your filtering conditions.
  • Enter the domain in the name or email address field.
  • Use the THEN setting to select that all emails from are moved to a specific folder. To set up a new folder, choose New Folder… and add a name of your choice.
  • Click Done.


Add (or any of our others) to your AOL contacts. For a more reliable fix, you can respond to one of our emails so that is added to your email whitelist, and AOL will know to send our emails to your inbox.


Add (or any of our others) to your email contacts to keep some of our emails from heading to your Spam folder. For a more reliable fix, you can add our email address to your contact safelist so your email provider knows to send our emails to your inbox.

Log in to your email account, select settings and then click either filter or spam settings. From here, you should be able to save the domain using either rules or by adding it to your whitelist.

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