A great first message

Bark Team
Bark Team
  • Updated

Clear communication
Keep it short, stay focused and check your grammar and spelling. Include key points about your business, your services, and how you can help with the project. 

Sell yourself .

Highlight your relevant skills and why you’re the best fit for the job. Share links to your Bark profile, images of previous work, and reviews from previous customers. 

Share other contact details.

50% of professionals miss out on business because they don’t answer the phone. Always add a direct number where customers can reach you and when you’ll be free to take a call. 

Give an estimate.

If possible, provide a basic quote for the project and some notes explaining your fees. 

Move things forward.

Tell the customer how and when you’ll follow up. Suggest a time for a call to discuss the project further, and end the conversation with open questions that will encourage an answer. 

Be nice! 

Keep your tone friendly and professional. Don’t forget to include how enthusiastic you are about helping them with their project and why you’d be the right fit.

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