Setting up for success

  • Updated

Supercharge your selling success and connect with the right buyers by following these simple steps. Professionals who follow these tips are radically more likely to succeed – you won’t regret it!


1. Nail your lead settings right away

  • Log in, head to your settings, and scroll down to set up your leads.
  • List the services you offer, fine-tune them, and say where you provide those services.
  • By getting your lead settings right, you’ll ensure you only see the most relevant opportunities (which means more likelihood of finding the right customer.)
  • These settings will stay the same until you decide to change them. 


2. Get your profile up to scratch

Your profile might not seem like a big deal, but the most successful Bark professionals have the fullest profiles – it’s a great way to show your customers who they are and help build trust in your business. Think of it as your storefront!

We highly recommend completing your profile to at least 80%. You can see how much you’ve completed from the bar on the top of your profile settings. Make sure to complete:

  • The About section
    • A professional name and logo for your business.
    • A photo of yourself which will appear when you message customers.
  • The Reviews section
    • Upload as many good reviews as you can – nine out of ten customers base at least some of their choices on reviews!
  • The Services section
    • Add details about the services you offer to give customers more confidence that they’ve found the right professional.
  • The Photos section
    • Additional photos or videos from your business – they might be pictures of the team or client work, or even videos if you have them.
  • The Accreditations section
    • Qualifications and certifications are a great way to establish even more trust and make you the professional of choice.

You might also want to fill out your social media links and Q&As – the more you can do, the better!


3. Think about your lead filters

Now you’ve established your lead settings and filled in your profile, you’re in a great position to choose leads.

  • Head to your lead filters and click on the filter options.
  • Filter your leads by what makes the most sense to you – for example, you might only want to see new leads, leads submitted in the last four hours, or leads costing a certain number of credits.
  • Remember that the filters are temporary (but your lead settings, which you dealt with earlier, are not.)


4. Master your response times

Your success rate radically improves when you respond to a lead as soon as possible after they place their Bark. This is because the Bark is fresh in their mind and they’re less likely to have made a choice about their professional.

The combination of a friendly introductory message and a call is far more effective than one approach alone.

This is where having a complete profile comes in handy. Once they receive your message, they’re likely to take a look at your profile and make their decision based on what they see there.


5. Have a game plan for your next steps

Every time you contact a lead, you’re starting your journey towards a potential new customer. Having a game plan in mind can make life easier and improve your chances of success.

  • If your lead doesn’t respond, it might just be because they’re busy. Set a time limit before you send a helpful follow-up.
  • In the unlikely scenario you don’t land a job from your Starter Pack, we’ve got you covered with our Get Hired Guarantee. We’ll re-issue your credits and you can use them to reach out to new leads. 
  • Explore all the tools Bark offers, like the ability to see how many people have responded to a lead or if a buyer’s phone number is verified. They’ll help you make the right decisions for your business.

Need more guidance? Explore our guides or reach out to the customer service team at any time. Now let’s make your business shine!

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