User suspension policy

Bark Team
Bark Team
  • Updated

At Bark, we aim to maintain a safe and fair marketplace in which both customers and professionals can achieve their aims. We expect professionals to maintain a good standard of quality and conduct in the services that they provide and in their interactions with customers, and to respect the rules of the platform set by Bark. 

When can we suspend or terminate your account?

Where any user fails to meet the standards described above, Bark can take action to suspend or remove accounts at its discretion in order to maintain the integrity of the platform. This includes the following circumstances:

– Illegal activity;
– Serious or repeated customer complaints;
– Complaints from regulatory or law enforcement bodies, such as the police;
– Continued neglect of our policies following a warning and/or suspension;
– Abuse to Customers or Bark staff in any capacity;
– Hate speech (written or verbal) towards any other user, our staff, or on a Bark profile or associated websites (such as social media pages).

How does Bark decide whether to suspend an account?

We may be alerted to issues with your services, account or practices either by other users or by periodic checks we carry out on our users’ profiles. Where we identify activity that breaches our policies (including any of the circumstances listed above), we will review our records for the account/user in question and decide on the appropriate action on a case by case basis.

What are the actions that Bark can take?

We will evaluate this on a case by case basis, but this can range from a warning through to an immediate and permanent suspension of the account and/or user, depending on the nature of the issue. In each case, we will provide you with a statement of reasons and details of the sanction that we are taking.

Can I appeal the decision to terminate my account?

Decisions to terminate an account have not been taken lightly, and we investigate using all the relevant information before doing so. While our customer services team cannot overturn their decision, you may appeal the decision to our escalations team by sending a written request to the postal address below. This must be sent within 30 days of the decision and set out the reasons why you believe the decision was wrongly made and should be overturned, along with any supporting evidence.

Address: FAO Escalations Team, 85 Great Portland Street, London W1W 7LT

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