Was ist Elite Pro und was ist darin enthalten?

Elite Pro is an optional subscription based service which makes your business stand out from the competition and helps you secure even more business through Bark. The Gold Badge on your profile is increasingly vital, potentially boosting hiring rates by offering customers the confidence they need.

  • Stand out from the crowd
    Elite Pros are featured in seller suggestions (when applicable), increasing exposure and visibility among potential customers

  • Exclusive Elite Pro discounts
    Regular exclusive discounts on your credit packs

  • Business Brand Benefits:
    Gain valuable SEO backlinks for your website, improving your online presence and driving more traffic to your business

  • Gold Badge Advantage:
    Gain the Elite Pro Badge on your profile, increasing customer confidence and potentially increasing hiring rates

  • Optimised Professional Profile:
    Our account setup specialists will ensure that your profile is fully optimised with all the necessary information, making a strong first impression on potential customers.

  • Priority Customer Success access
    Skip the email queue and get your queries handled fast

  • Let customers contact you
    Have your contact details on your public profile so customers can reach you without you having to purchase the lead

Yes, Elite Pros still have to buy credits to respond to leads but they do receive regular special promotions and discounts on credit packs via email.

Elite Pro offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly impact the growth and success of your business. From easily accessible contact details to enhanced brand visibility through SEO backlinks, Elite Pro helps you stand out and gain credibility in your industry. Additionally, priority service, optimised profiles, and highlighted listings further solidify its value proposition, making it a smart investment for professionals aiming to thrive.

Ready to experience the benefits of Elite Pro for yourself? Sign up now for a free 1-month trial (available for first-time users only) and discover how Elite Pro can elevate your business to new heights.


Sichtbarkeit ist eines der wichtigsten Dinge für jedes Unternehmen. Als Elite-Pro-Mitglied wird Ihr Unternehmen jeden Monat für Hunderte von Kunden sichtbar gemacht, wodurch Ihr Profil gestärkt wird und sie Zugang zu Ihren Kontaktdaten erhalten. 

The Elite Pro fee is a small investment in solidifying your reputation as a first-class professional. With our service, your profile prominently displays the gold badge, demonstrating your commitment to excellence and reliability. 

One additional customer per month could very well cover the cost of Elite Pro. By prominently displaying our badge on your profile and sharing it with customers when you respond to leads, they can confidently trust that they’re dealing with a reputable business. Elite Pro works hard to enhance your reputation, allowing you to focus on what you do best, building your success. 

  • Enjoy regular exclusive discounts on credit packs.
  • Your Elite Pro status is highlighted with a prestigious gold badge, instilling confidence in potential customers.
  • Gain valuable SEO backlinks for your profile, improving your online presence and driving more traffic to your business.
  • Jump the email queue with our priority customer service, ensuring that your inquiries are addressed promptly and efficiently.
  • Receive personalised support from our team of Account Optimisation Specialists.
  • Enjoy being featured in seller suggestions (when applicable), giving your business increased exposure and visibility among potential customers.
  • Your contact details are prominently displayed on your public profile, enabling browsing customers to reach out directly..

To ensure you get the full benefits from the Elite Pro service, you must have a completed Bark profile with lots of information on it. You don’t want customers to find a bare profile – first impressions count!

Wir würden es bedauern, wenn Sie den Elite Pro-Service verlassen, aber wenn Sie sich aus irgendeinem Grund für eine Kündigung entscheiden, kontaktieren Sie einfach unser engagiertes Customer Success-Team. 

Wir werden Ihr Elite Pro-Abonnement kündigen, um weitere Verlängerungen zu verhindern.

Ihr Elite-Pro-Status bleibt für den Zeitraum erhalten, für den Sie bereits bezahlt haben. Danach wird Ihr Konto wieder auf den Standardstatus zurückgesetzt.

Sie können Ihr Bark-Konto danach weiter nutzen, nur ohne die großartigen Vorteile, die der Elite Pro-Service bietet.